Fred Sanders at NW ETS

*UPDATE* The NW ETS conference has been cancelled in accordance with covid-19 preparedness measures. We will continue to have the books available at a considerable discount for the next week or two, hopefully selling enough to cover the cost of shipping them back!

This Saturday we will be selling books at the NW ETS meeting. Among other books, featured speaker Fred Sanders has written two excellent books on the Trinity:

The Triune God [New Studies in Dogmatics]

Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything

Both are available for preorder through our fancy new e-commerce set up here on the website (just click the links). We are happy to offer the conference discount and ship to those of you who will not be attending. If you want to pre-order the book for pickup at the conference, just select “in-store pickup” under shipping.

Fred Sanders is a systematic theologian with an emphasis on the doctrine of the Trinity, teaching at the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University. He and his wife Susan have two adult children and are members of Grace Evangelical Free Church. He blogs regularly at Scriptorium Daily.
